28 januari 2016

Uitgebreide recensie van onze orka- en noorderlichtreis naar Noorwegen

We ontvingen een uitgebreide recensie over onze orka- en noorderlichtreis naar Noorwegen. Overtuig jezelf om mee te gaan.

Noorderlicht in beeld brengen. © Yves Adams
Alle beelden op onze website zijn eigen werk en gemaakt door onze deelnemers en gidsen. Wat je ziet geeft dus een realistisch beeld van wat jij zelf kan zien, beleven en fotograferen op onze reizen.

Advance service was as expected, no problems with booking etc. and quick responses, so all good that side. Yves is a great guide, he’s extremely helpful toward people who are struggling, or having any issues, which is very easy to see. Someone’s lens broke so he lent them his, he used his filters to show everyone how to use them, he helped dress and prepare Verena when she wanted to swim, and didn’t put his own photography first. So he puts in a lot of effort with people to make sure they get a good experience out of it.

The food every evening was excellent – tried just about all the food in the menu and it was all very tasty and fresh. They also made a birthday cake for both myself and Wim, which was a great extra touch. Breakfasts are quite simple, but I guess they were fine as one didn’t want to eat a lot before the boats. The soups after the boat sessions were very tasty, and exactly what was needed and Yves always had chocolates etc. on hand to warm us up during the boat trips. Activities were fantastic – I cannot explain how much we enjoyed the days out in the water. The action was amazing, as was the light, and enough gear was provided to keep us warm. Occasionally a couple of extra people joined out boats, but in the end they always kept to the back so it didn’t really cause any issues. Yves also tried his best to give enough guidance on the boats, and enough warning for bigger waves to protect our lenses. I think they were awesome anyway.

Given what I know – if I didn’t already have plans next January I would definitely be there again. I’m hoping that the herring will remain in the fjord another few years so I can return. So yes, it was definitely a fantastic trip and well worth it.

Laura D.

De voorbereiding om op zee te gaan. © Yves Adams